What is HypnoShamanism?


What is HypnoShamanic Healing?

HypnoShamanic Healing utilizes ancient wisdom and a modern understanding of subconscious states, to create powerful, lasting healing. It’s a combination of the emotional healing of hypnosis, shamanic journeys, and connection with Spirit helpers.

The process includes soul retrieval and other shamanic healing practices along with hypnosis protocols which alleviate triggers and old patterns.

In this 5-session journey, we work in tandem. You’ll learn to journey and connect with your guides while being held in a powerful energetic healing space.

What’s included in HypnoShamanic Healing

  • Soul Retrieval

  • Releasing old triggers and patterns

  • Connecting with your Spirit Guide

  • Powerful self-acceptance protocol

  • Clearing shadow thoughts and feelings

  • Energy clearing

  • Future manifestation protocol

  • Energy expansion

  • Meditations homework to strengthen your healing

  • Open/stregthen intuition


Having practiced Core Shamanism for over a decade, I’ve used the altered state of consciousness in shamanic journeys to find guidance and healing. Shamanism makes use of drumming, rattling, singing, and dance to create an altered state. From there, the practitioner calls on helping spirits and ancestors to facilitate healing.

Through the lens of shamanism, trauma is seen as an emotionally damaging event that causes a part of the soul to separate and hide out, no longer feeling safe after a traumatic event. In psychological terms, this split off soul part is similar to the wounded child. The splitting off of the soul part drains a person’s life force energy, potentially leading to feelings of anxiety, fatigue, apathy, and possibly physical disease. Shamanic practitioners use a soul retrieval process to find and integrate the lost soul part.


When I began training as a hypnotherapist, it was obvious from the start how similar the state of hypnosis is to the altered state of consciousness used in shamanic journeys. In fact, in my opinion, it is the same thing. The main difference is in how the effect is achieved. Hypnosis uses guided imagery and body relaxation to go deeply into a theta brainwave while shamanism uses the pulsating sounds of drums or rattles to get there.

There are further similarities between shamanic soul retrieval and using hypnosis to reframe the memory and impact of a traumatic event. Through hypnosis, a therapist explores the origins of the feeling, habit, or behavior a client wants to repair, just as a shamanic practitioner looks for the time when the soul part slit off.

The hypnotherapist then uses hypnotic suggestions to defuse and reframe the event, which compares to a shaman freeing the soul part from where it’s stuck somewhere hiding from the trauma. Both processes use a meditative state of altered consciousness to seek out the source of a traumatic wound with the intention of healing integration.

A key difference that I appreciate in the hypnosis process comes with who does the work. While a shamanic journey is done by the shamanic practitioner and the client lays quietly nearby, the hypnosis process uses guided imagery to bring the client through the process on his/her own. An additional technique unique in hypnotherapy is the posthypnotic suggestion, which reinforces the desired ongoing behavior or feeling.

Creating HypnoShamanism

One issue I’ve experienced while performing soul retrievals for others and having them done for me, is that the integration process can be jarring and/or doesn’t stick. Each practitioner has his/her own system and I don’t want to impune the way anyone practices their healing process. There is much to be said about the successes of a soul retrieval. It is only my personal experience that caused me to seek out a process that is a little more gentle, allowing for a deeper and more lasting result. I also wanted something that called for more participation with the client.

HypnoShamanism Healing is a hands-on way of finding, healing, and guiding the wounded child back home. It is my process of combining hypnosis and soul retrieval, through multiple sessions, where the client has time to heal and then integrate the wounded child.

My process uses hypnosis to locate the earliest incident when a client can recall encountering the feeling or issue they want to repair. We call in a power animal, helping spirit, ancestor, or whatever spiritual entity the client is comfortable with and who appears during this process.

From there, the client is guided to bring the wounded child soul part to a kind of healing center. A space where the client can get reacquainted with the soul part and the soul part has time to heal and adapt to life outside of the place where it’s been frozen, repeating or hiding from the trauma. During this stage, the client will have homework to enjoy tasks the wounded child enjoyed before the trauma occurred. This is a way of honoring, healing, and getting reacquainted with this part of him/herself.

Once the client is ready, we progress to an integration ceremony, again, done through guided hypnosis. The process ends with a session of post-hypnotic suggestions and reframing work to strengthen and empower this new, integrated self.

This process has proven to be a powerful way to rewire a person’s feelings and thoughts about him/herself. Clients have been able to change long-ingrained habits, move forward in areas where they have been stuck, and reinvigorate feelings of wonder and passion for life.

I feel very fortunate to have had training in these two powerful healing modalities and to be guided by my own spirit helpers to create this unique process of healing. It has been a privilege to facilitate healing for my clients.